
Hochgeladen am 18. March 2022

The project focuses on the one hand on initiating civic dialogues and positioning processes regarding the implementation of the Aarhus Convention at the European level. On the other hand, it provides clear and tangible information and educational material in the areas of access to environmental…

Strengthening youth engagement for sustainability through dialogue and transformative learning

Hochgeladen am 11. July 2023

Investigation how youths and young adults who are not yet active in the field of climate and environmental protection and sustainability can be reached for these topics as well as sensitised and involved for a sustainability commitment.

Digital Education for Sustainable Development across Europe

Hochgeladen am 17. January 2024

Wir erstellen digitale Lehrmaterialien für die 17 Nachhaltigkeitsziele der Vereinten Nationen.

Carbon Farming in Kasachstan als beispielhaftes Projekt für Klimaschutz und Klimaanpassung

Hochgeladen am 18. January 2024

Carbon Farming in Kazakhstan as an Exemplary Project for Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change Duration 01/2024 – 12/2026 Contact: Sami Celtikoglu Dr. Arne ReckKazakhstan ranks seventh in the world in terms of organic carbon stocks in agricultural soils. The annual increase in organic…