Prof. Dr jur. habil., Dipl.-Pol. Edmund Brandt

Edmund Brandt studied law and political science in Freiburg i.B. and at the Free University of Berlin. He received his doctorate there with a thesis on the law of state organisation. This was followed by his habilitation at the University of Hamburg with a thesis on ‘Altlastenrecht’, venia legendi for constitutional and administrative law and administrative science. In 1992, he became the holder of the first chair in environmental law in Germany at the BTU Cottbus. After turning down a call to the University of Leipzig in 1996, Brandt moved to the University of Lüneburg, where he held the Chair of Public Law, in particular Energy and Environmental Law, and was also Dean of the Department of Environmental Science until 1999. From 2004 to 2008, he was President of Clausthal University of Technology, and from 2009 to 2021, he held the Chair of Constitutional and Administrative Law and Administrative Sciences and was Managing Director of the Institute of Law at Braunschweig University of Technology, as well as Head of the Wind Energy Law Coordination Centre and the Mobility Law Research Centre.

Edmund Brandt’s work is explicitly inter- and transdisciplinary in nature – with specific roots in energy, environmental and constitutional organisation law. Several hundred book and journal publications as well as several decades of consultancy work for federal, state and municipal institutions and environmental organisations bear witness to this.

As a university lecturer, Edmund Brandt has supervised around 70 dissertations and 3 habilitation projects.

He has been associated with UfU for over 25 years, including many years as a member of the advisory board.

Fellow & Academic Consulting

Law & Political Science
