Since March 2021 initially working as a freelancer on energy-saving projects at UfU e.V., since September 2023 employed as a full-time scientific staff member in the field of “Energy Efficiency & Energy Transition.”
Project collaboration and school support in energy-saving projects Halbe-Halbe Leipzig and Energiesparen Stadt Burg; PA-BBNE – Development of materials on vocational education for sustainable development.

Previously active as a consultant for sustainable development (BNE) in school and extracurricular projects. Concepts for sustainable site and district development, digital property register, municipal climate protection. Worked as a consultant for energy supply companies and large commercial clients in the areas of energy optimization, energy- and data management, IT conception and controlling.



Halbe-Halbe – Energiesparmodelle an Leipziger Schulen, (since 2021)

Energiesparen an Schulen, Horten und Kitas der Stadt Burg, (2023 – 2027)



Schwandt, Bernhard; Schmidthals, Malte; IZT (Hrsg.) (2024): Berufsbild Anlagenmechaniker und Anlagenmechanikerin, Standardberufsbildposition “Umweltschutz und Nachhaltigkeit”, Hintergrundmaterial und Impulspapier zu den SDGs, Folien zur Diskussion von Zielkonflikten im Berufsbild der Anlagenmechanik.

Energy Efficiency & Energy Transition

Graduate industrial engineer

Research associate

Phone: +49 (0)1577 3774133